Whether the issue is a misdemeanor, a drug charge, or even a violent felony, jail and prison can be a severely life-changing event. There’s a huge difference in the results that a brand new and inexperienced attorney is going to be able to get as opposed to an experienced lawyer. A seasoned lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the law, how juries react, and how certain judges tend to rule can affect the outcome of your case. You never want to charge into any case without the right representation here in Sun City, or elsewhere.
You want an experienced attorney like the Law Offices of Gary L. Rohlwing on your side, for Sun City DUI cases and domestic violence cases in Sun City.
Just because misdemeanor cases are less legally severe than felonies doesn’t mean you should take them lightly. Traffic violations, disorderly conduct, and prostitution are all charges that lead not only to fines but can lead to some serious jail time – especially if convicted multiple times.
No matter what the specific charge is, you want to make sure you have an attorney who understands how courtroom proceedings work and can give you the best possible defense. An attorney with more courtroom experience will have the tools and real world training needed to give you your best shot at justice during your day of court.
Felony cases can be particularly tricky, but the good news when you’re looking for a defense attorney is that also holds true for prosecutors. As a former prosecutor for Phoenix, Gary understands how felony cases of all kinds work on both sides of the aisle, and that makes him all the more capable of putting together a great defensive strategy for when you need your Constitutional rights defended in court.
Non-violent felony cases can be tricky because they are so different from one another. Being able to build a viable trial defense for fraud or a white collar crime requires a different set of skills and understanding of law versus cases involving drug trafficking, parole violation, or other felony infractions.
Having an attorney who has worked both as a prosecutor and a defense attorney for these types of cases makes a huge difference. Why go for an inexperienced lawyer when you can have an attorney who knows these laws inside and out?
Violent felony cases require a very deft hand to handle on the defense’s side of the case. Not only do the crimes tend to get a really visceral response from any jury, but the difference between aggravated and non-aggravated or the difference between two degrees can be a difference of years or even decades in prison in the event of a guilty verdict.
Violent felony defenses need to be handled by attorneys with actual courtroom experience trying these types of cases. Whether the end result is a conviction, a plea bargain, or the rare but always hoped for not guilty verdict, having an exceptional attorney by your side will help you get the best possible results.
When it comes to finding an exceptional criminal lawyer in the Sun City AZ area, you are going to be hard pressed to find a defense attorney who brings together the courtroom experience, full understanding of law, and passion than Gary Rohlwing. When you’re looking at a serious charge, it’s time to give his law offices a call to set up an initial consultation. Call the Law Offices of Gary L. Rohlwing for a free initial case consultation at (623) 937-1692.