Handling the Stress when a Loved One has Pending Charges

Having a loved one with pending criminal charges is extremely stressful. Here are some practical ways to deal with that stress.

Be there emotionally for your loved one but set healthy boundaries. Your loved one needs you now, more than ever so that he or she can vent, cry, complain, and otherwise process what happened. Allow this to occur but then take breaks so that you can recharge. You’re not helping your loved one if you allow the negative emotions to take over your life.

Show your loved one that you love him or her by not putting your lives on hold just because charges are pending. Continue to live legally and morally. Plan fun events that are legal and moral that you and your loved one can enjoy together now.

Talk to your loved one about ways to make extra income to pay for the attorney, fines, and fees. If he or she doesn’t want to talk about it, brainstorm on your own. For example, you and/or your loved one could get a job, take on extra work, get a second job, obtain a home equity line of credit, or sign up for contract work through guru.com.

Discuss with your loved one the potential problems that a criminal conviction can cause and try to solve them now. For example, you may need to get a job if he or she receives a prison sentence. You should begin looking for a job now instead of waiting until after the sentencing.

Explore how to eliminate unnecessary spending with your loved one. Unnecessary spending causes additional stress that you don’t need. Some examples are cable TV, designer clothes, the latest iphone, gym membership, Starbucks coffee, buying DVDs and eating out all the time.

Brainstorm how to get needs and wants met for little or no money with your loved one. For example, you need and want to keep watching new DVD movies but have decided it’s unnecessary to keep buying them. Apply for a public library card and start checking them out for free instead.

Hire an experienced defense attorney. His experience and compassion can help relieve a great deal of stress. Attorney Gary Rohlwing has over three decades of experience. Call him today for a free consultation.

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Law Offices of Gary L Rohlwing
7112 N 55th Ave
Glendale, AZ 85301
(623) 937-1692

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